A Critique of Feminism

Mad Lunatic
5 min readJul 25, 2021

Much of its claims are based upon incredibly faulty reasoning.

The root assumption being in a lot of arguments made by feminists is that men and women are equal. The problem is that we are far too different, and likely always will be. Furthermore, they always seem to conveniently ignore the similarities in male experiences. And once male experiences come into consideration, it starts to become fairly apparent that life isn’t much harder as a woman after all.

Slut Shaming

As much as there isn’t any slut shaming of men, there is “creep”-shaming, “pervert”-shaming, and “virgin”-shaming.

Furthermore, whereas some men use slut as a compliment, no one uses creep or pervert as one. Or even a virgin as one.

Women should be able wear whatever they want

No, they can’t. And neither can men. No one has been able to freely go out wearing whatever they liked without being judged.

Men are equally judged for wearing baggy or ripped jeans as women are for wearing what’s considered trashy for women.

Society tells women not to get raped, not men not to rape

Except it does tell men not to rape. It’s done that all of middle school and high school. It’s why you and I both know it’s wrong in the first place.

The problem is that rape persists despite telling men not to rape, making the next countermeasure to get women to reduce their own chances of getting raped by minimizing lustful sexual attraction.

Guess how we try to do that… by discouraging women from wearing provocative clothing.

Women’s clothing shouldn’t be the reason she is raped

It doesn’t matter what should or shouldn’t be, it matters what simply is.

And no, rape is not all about power. If a rapist was interested in power and domination alone, he could achieve that through physically abusing the women in public.

So sex, and therefore sexual attraction, is likely relevant. Denying this for the sake of political agenda is likely why the rates of rape won’t go down.

They shouldn’t be the reason she’s raped, but they simply are since they likely induce sexual attraction, which likely increases the chances of rape since rape is inherently sexual (as it’s a form of sexual assault).

Society never holds men accountable for sexual assault or rape

What do you think the ones in prison are doing?

Due process is not a lack of accountability. It’s requiring proof for accountability.

Society pays women $0.95 for $1 a man makes

That $0.95 being the minimum of the adjusted factor. It actually varies by industry from $0.95 -$1.00.

But more importantly, there’s a bias towards women in grading. There’s a bias in the gender of teachers.

There are numerous statistical biases, based on culture and genes, as to why men and women are bound to be treated differently in general. And it’s ridiculous to assume it’s all culture simply because it benefits your political ideology.

I get I’m going to get called out for resorting to Whataboutism here, but that’s because the point being made by the argument – that women are treated unfairly – is simply not true. Women are treated unfairly in certain contexts, men in others. It’s not a simple thing to determine who gets treated unfairly more without resorting to political biases.

Society oppresses women

Not really. It just does what it needs to in order to survive.

And the way it does that is to ensure women reproduce. And to make children happy, we need to have someone working at home. The reason we tend to place men in the workplace is because we can afford to sacrifice men’s lives but not women’s.

It’s simply the case with most species. The reason for that is simple: consider a situation where the life of every man but one is lost, then a situation where the life of every woman except one’s is lost.

Which one will have a higher rate of survival? The one with one man left alive. Because the same man can reproduce with multiple women. Therefore, a species can afford to sacrifice men’s lives more than it can afford to sacrifice women’s.

It’s the sheer nature of how pregnancy works. It forces a species to minimize the deaths of women, and have little need for minimizing the deaths of men.

Which gets me to my next point…

Society doesn’t care about the lives of women

I mean, much fewer women die than men. And sure, the men that die get killed by men. But that still doesn’t change the fact that there’s more of them dying.

Furthermore, there’s a lot more activism for the few women’s lives lost than there is for the many men’s lives lost.

Is it really shocking when women like feminists who are more concerned with the few lives of women lost, are called out on their hypocrisy when they show little interest in the lives of men lost?

Does it matter whether or not it’s men who did the killing? Are you honestly going to equate the male victims of murder with the male murderers themselves just because they have the same genitals (ie. penises)?

Men oppress women

A small proportion of men do the oppressing. Most men are not in positions of power. So any generalizations regarding men and power, wealth, or oppression is bound to be misleading.

It’s not just #notallmen. The issue is that it’s #notevenmostmen. And not only that, men have also been oppressed. Look at every man that’s poor, and you’ll realize that oppression is more dependent on class and wealth than it is on gender.

Gender Roles exist to oppress women

No, they don’t. And I’m not sure how any distribution of roles in which the gender that’s expected to risk their lives and do work is oppressing the other gender that’s given its own share of work.

Gender roles exist because they allow societies to survive while ensuring the healthy development of children, at the cost of everyone’s freedoms to a certain degree.

Women who are educated or career oriented have fewer children. And as such, societies that normalize educated and working women tend to develop a consistent population decay. And populations with consistent population decay simply gradually get dominated by those with better population growth.

Thus, certain gender roles are simply essential for the survival of a population.


Please learn to be a bit more intellectually honest and rational in making the arguments you make. Not everyone who disagrees with you or acts against your morals is doing it for power or because they’re “intimidated by women”.

Some of your beliefs are downright false.

And your use of statistics is ridiculously misleading and biased. As is mine, most likely. But I’m willing to be corrected (with good reason) on my potentially misinterpreted statistics. You however, are likely stubbornly insisting you’re right about everything.

Too many philosophies in history have existed with the conviction that their philosophy is right and all others are wrong. All of them faced sensible criticism, and its proponents were left to evade the criticism when the criticisms raised the issues within their philosophies.

I hope you don’t do the same.

